Lit by skinflint: Fast X
The Fast and Furious franchise returned with a bang for its tenth installment of the expansive cinematic universe. Dom Toretto and his family find themselves being targeted by the vengeful Dante Reyes, son of Hernan Reyes, a drug kingpin killed in Fast Five. In true Fast and Furious fashion, the beloved and ever-growing family are sent all over the world, from Rome, to Rio, to Antarctica and beyond.
The first of our lights can be spotted in Cipher’s high rise office. Our reclaimed Eastern Bloc rectilinear bulkheads frame Dante’s dramatic entrance, their lacquered steel enclosures complementing the industrial chic design of the office interior.
In the tunnels in Rome and in the safe house in Portugal, our Industrial Eastern Bloc work lights light up the screen. Their caged exteriors and original finishes give the sets an authentic feel. The unpolished look fits the unfinished tunnels, making our lights the perfect addition.
As Little Brian and his uncle, played by John Cena, venture further into the safe house, our oxidised Eastern Bloc bulkheads illuminate the vast interior. Their rust-coloured exteriors blend seamlessly into the set design, with the safe house being built into the side of a mountain. The sister product to the lacquered bulkheads used in Cipher’s office, these oxidised bulkheads show their versatility between contrasting sets.
Whether you’re part of the family or not, our lights can be used on any set, from polished industrial-chic, to rough and ready rust-coloured fixtures. If you want to get in on the action, get in touch at
Distributor: Universal Pictures
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