Lit by skinflint: Avenue 5 Season 2

6 months ago Prop Hire

In season one of Avenue 5, a luxurious spaceship embarks on an eight week trip through the solar system. After a number of course malfunctions, the trip is delayed and won’t return for three years. After numerous mishaps onboard, season two picks up after the cruise has been delayed again, and won’t return for eight years.

The sci-fi show is filled with drama and comedy at every turn, but what stands out the most is the incredible set design. Neofuturistic casino-meets-Apple store-meets-cruise liner, the vast spaceship embraces the future, and gilds it. However, the staff quarters of the ship are a stark contrast to the excess of the rest. 

When the owner and captain of the ship hide from the riots occurring onboard, it’s one of these areas that give them refuge. Locked in a supply closet, the industrial design of the back rooms can be seen. Our industrial Eastern Bloc work lights make part of this set, their caged design and original worn factory finish are the perfect addition to the more run-down parts of the ship. 

If you want your part in our sci-fi summer, get in touch at to hire!

Distributor: HBO

Products used in this Project

Industrial Eastern Bloc worklights


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