Latest releases: MOD lights & Art Deco chandeliers

7 years ago Posted by: skinflint News

MOD factory lights

M.O.D factory lights by Simplex - Beautifully restored WWII timepieces salvaged from a decommissioned MOD site in Worcestershire, UK.

Opaline mounted lights

Vintage Czech opaline lights (V1) - Elegant wall mounted globes with white opaline glass, producing an even distribution of light when illuminated.

Military field lamp

Swedish military desk lights - This Swedish military field lamp by Luxor makes for perfect task lighting - a sprung 'Anglepoise' style lamp with original worn factory finish, dated 1963.

Art Deco chandelier

Art Deco Czech ceiling light - A real one-off opaline statement chandelier from the 1920s.

MOD signal pendant light

Ex M.O.D signal light pendants - Hand-held signal lamps once used by the MOD, now converted into intriguing suspended pendants.

Vintage opaline wall lights

Vintage opaline glass wall lights - Elegant wall mounted globes with white opaline glass, producing an even distribution of light when illuminated.