Lit by skinflint: SAS Rogue Heroes S2

Prop Hire

The hit WWII BBC show has returned to our screens, after the Special Air Service team survive the invasion of Africa. The second season of SAS Rogue Heroes sees reckless, brutal, and admirable soldier Paddy Mayne take over control of the reformed SAS unit. Under the command of Bill Stirling, David’s older and more serious brother, the self-proclaimed ‘insane’ SAS team near single-handedly take on the invasion of Italy.

Travelling to their first Italian mission, a nighttime invasion of Sicily by sea, the team are transported by the HMS Ulster Monarch as happened in real life. On the boat our naval wall lights illuminate the soldiers as they prepare for their mission. With their own history on ships, these lights are the perfect addition to the set. The brushed and lacquered steel enclosure offers an industrial style suited to the Ulster Monarch design, as well as the original cage and brass detailing.

Whether you’re needing vintage lights to create authentic wartime sets, or decorating something a little more modern, get in touch with the team to hire at!

Distributor: BBC

Products used in this Project

Naval wall lights by Osaka Tokushu (single bar)


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