G&G industrial office traffic light

5 years ago Commercial

Paving the way for environmentally friendly and natural supplements, G&G Vitamins is a family-run brand based in the UK. Founded in 1965, quality, health and well-being have always been at the forefront of what they do. Now with a key focus on becoming a green multivitamin provider, in the past 6-months, G&G have switched to 100% renewable and vegan approved energy and have also lowered their non-recyclable waste by switching to full biodegradable bags.

G&G’s green ethos resonates with us here at skinflint - as we too are striving to become a net carbon neutral business as soon as possible, and at the latest by 2025. The renovation of G&G’s site in West Sussex continues the company’s focus on the environment. Working with Cowan Architects, G&G’s brand director Alessandro Calcioli created a new open and airy environment with reclaimed features such restored parquet floors, open industrial ceiling and our salvaged 1940s airfield traffic light utilised in the new meeting room.

In keeping with the metallic patina used elsewhere in the space, this converted airfield traffic light was salvaged from a 1940s R.A.F base in Northwest Wales before being transported back to our workshop and restored by hand. Polished, rather than repainted by the team, it retains its character and unique heritage, the aluminium body of the light contrasting with the diffused glow of the etched glass screen making it a key feature within the industrial-style interior.

Explore more lights like this in our vintage traffic lights collection here.

Products used in this Project

1940s airfield traffic light


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