Asheville industrial kitchen lighting
Photography: Ryan Theede
When interior designer Leslie Huntley (Roost Interior Design) built her new home in Asheville, North Carolina, she was determined to avoid anything bland or generic. ‘Eclectic British farmhouse’ was the guiding light.
Using vintage and reclaimed elements, the space has a collected feel that is anything but contrived. The kitchen island surround and cabinets are made from wood found in the barn on the property, soapstone countertops are repurposed, and our original restored vintage pendant lights from us here at skinflint help to achieve this. “I also flagrantly copied your (British) inglenook fireplaces”, admits Leslie.
This particular run of green enamelled pendant lights by Thorlux seen above the kitchen island were originally installed in the stock warehouses of established UK retailer John Lewis’ Nottingham depot in the 1950s. Sensitively restored, they “bring a sense of authentic character and history to the space” says Leslie.
“Because the kitchen is open to the rest of the living area, all of the chosen elements had to be strong visually. Also, the ceilings are very high so I knew I couldn’t get by with a dinky fixture. It’s the truth when I say I had the fixtures before I even had final house plans!”
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